Food To Lower The Cholesterol Level.

Food To Lower The Cholesterol Level.

Fundamental Food to Lower Cholesterol.

There is a saying that goes'' We are What we eat".

This is so true as the food being consumed may affect the cholesterol level inside the person's system. This makes the person prone to high blood pressure or heart disease through age, which could leave the patient paralyzed or dead. The only thing to do before it is too late is to make some changes in the individual's diet.

while many of the good stuff the people love to eat has a high concentration of LDL better know as bad cholesterol, this can all change by consuming those who have HDL or good cholesterol.

Here are a few examples:

A good way to start a healthy diet is to have breakfast. Instead of eating bread or anything made up of white wheat flour, the individual can consume high fibrous food like Oatmeal instead. Studies have shown this can lower the cholesterol in the body by more the 20% after just two weeks of use.
This figure can go down some more if this becomes a habit. It tough to just have Oatmeal in a morning. Sometimes the individual can have fruits. An Eg. could be an apple. Studies have shown that people who eat at least 2 full apples a day are able to reduce the chances of heart diseases by 50%.

During lunch or dinner, the person has some vegetables in the meal.
Those who love to cook at home can be mixed with healthy ingredients.
One Eg. is garlic that has natural properties that can declog/unclog the arteries and again lower the odds of succumbing to heart diseases.
There are not that many people who will do this but those who are able to eat even a half an onion daily will be able to increase the HDL and lower the LDL.

People are often told that fats are not good for the diet. This isn't entirely true because this comes in many forms. Monosaturated and Polysaturated ones are also effective since these are usually found in cooking oils. this means food preparation also plays a big factor in reducing lowering one's cholesterol levels. The individual should read the label to find out if this is healthy for cooking or not.


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